Eucharist (Holy Communion)


Feast of Corpus Christi

In celebrating and receiving the Eucharist, we partake in the new Paschal meal and we participate in the sacrifice of Jesus’ death and resurrection. The Sacrament of the Eucharist completes initiation by welcoming the recipient to the table of the Lord, becoming the Body of Christ to be food for the world.

It is called “the summit and source” of the Christian life, for through this Sacrament the recipient is united to Christ in a most intimate way, enabling the growth to holiness of life to which every follower of Christ is called.
The Sacrament was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper when Jesus took bread and wine and pronounced over them that these were his Body and Blood, enjoining the Apostles to “do this in memory of Me”.

The Sacrament is usually received for the first time when children have reached the “age of reason” or, in practical terms, while they have reached Year 3 of their Primary education.

Preparation for the reception of this Sacrament usually takes place over a 5-week period once a year. Enrolment and the provision of a Baptism Certificate are required. Please contact the Parish Centre for further information.

The Parish of South Yarra is currently preparing children of the community for their First Holy Communion. We are asking you kindly to keep them in your prayer.