

Baptism is the Sacrament through which we are ‘reborn’ as daughters and sons of God, and incorporates us into the Body of Christ, the Church.

It is the first of the Sacraments of Initiation, and may be received as an infant, as an older child, or as an adult. Each of these will require a higher level of preparation before the sacrament can take place. The other Sacraments of Initiation are Confirmation and Eucharist.

While Baptism can take place by immersion, our Parish facilities only allow Baptism through the pouring of water, usually over the forehead.

Parents who ask to have their children baptised accept the responsibility of training them in the practice of the Catholic faith, and bringing them up to keep God’s commandments.

Baptism is about being made a member of a community of faith. It is, therefore, appropriate that where the Baptism is due to occur outside of Mass, the child is presented to the community at Mass, some time before the day of Baptism.



A Godparent is a ‘sponsor’, who should be a baptised and confirmed Catholic whom you regard as a good role model and Christian mentor for your child. Their role is to support the child in the development of the Catholic faith and of its relationship with God.

Therefore, at least one Godparent MUST be a Catholic who is confirmed, is over 16 years of age, for whom faith is meaningful and who attends Mass regularly. All Godparents should be baptised in a Christian denomination. The child needs one, preferably two Godparents. Being a Godparent is not an ‘honorific’, but involves a serious obligation. Hence, rarely, will more than two Godparents be accepted.


On the day of Baptism the parents usually provide a white garment or wrap, and also a small decorated candle to be lit from the Easter Candle, as symbols of the life and light of Christ the child has received.

Usually Baptisms are held Sunday at 12.00 noon at St. Joseph’s or at 10.30am at St. Thomas Aquinas. Other times may be negotiated.

For more information about Baptism Preparation and Booking, please visit our Baptisms Preparation page